Online Computers Hosts Their First Lunch & Learn of 2019

Jan 25, 2019

On January 24th, Online Computers held their first Lunch & Learn of the year. This month’s topic was How to Work From Home During a Snow Storm which discussed the proper steps to ensure employees are setup to work remotely in the event of a snowstorm or other weather catastrophe.

After this past November’s disastrous snow storm, the topic seemed to resonate with a lot of people, and the event sold out quickly. Fifteen attendees, from nearby businesses and organizations, joined Online Computers CEO, Carl Scalzo, in the headquarters’ conference room for a very insightful presentation and catered lunch. All in all, the event was very success and attendees left feeling satisfied and with more resources, knowledge and connections.

The event and topic were so successful and popular that the Online Computers team added an additional date for the event so that more people could attend. The second Lunch & Learn will be held next week on the 30th.

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