North Jersey Commerce: Leads & Lunch

Feb 1, 2019

Online Computers will be attending the North Jersey Commerce Leads & Lunch as a Business Showcase Leader!

On Friday, February 22nd, Online Computers CEO, Carl Scalzo, will be joining the North Jersey Chamber of Commerce & Title Sponsor, NJ ADVANCE MEDIA, for one of the most popular networking lunch in Northern New Jersey History! As a Business Showcase Leader, Online Computers will have a table set up along with SWAG and informational items available.

If you are attending, we would love to meet you! Please be sure to stop by and say hello and check out our table! If you are interested and not yet registered, please click here for more information.

Friday, February 22, 2019
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

The Falls | Frungillo Caterers
215 Route 23 South
Little Falls, NJ 07424

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