In-house or outsourced IT support: Which better fits your business?

May 8, 2023

The decision to go in-house or outsource your IT support can be daunting. On one hand, in-house support means having your own team of IT professionals you can trust and rely on. On the other hand, outsourcing lets you access cost-effective external support without committing too many of your resources.

If you’re a busy small-business owner in New Jersey, outsourcing your IT support needs may seem like the obvious solution. However, making that decision is not always so straightforward.

We’ll help you learn the pros and cons of each option so you can make an informed decision.

What is in-house IT support?

In-house IT support involves hiring and maintaining an internal IT team to manage a business’s technology needs. This team is usually composed of dedicated technicians, developers, engineers, and other professionals who are responsible for the installation, maintenance, operation, and management of the business’s software and hardware.

Advantages of in-house IT support

One key advantage of in-house IT support is that businesses can customize their IT system specifically for their needs, giving them more control over their IT infrastructure. Also, it’s a lot easier for businesses to trust an internal IT staff, as they can build strong relationships with the team as they work closely together. As a result, there may be fewer communication breakdowns, which can lead to quicker resolution times.

Having an in-house IT team also means having in-house staff who have intimate knowledge of the specific hardware and software used within the company. This allows IT staff to address tech problems swiftly and efficiently.

Disadvantages of in-house IT support

The cost associated with hiring an in-house IT team can be significant compared to outsourcing your IT services. On top of their salaries and benefits, you also need to budget for their equipment, supplies, office space, and training. Training is a must so that the IT team can stay up to date on current technology trends.

An unexpected staff shortage may also prevent your business from solving technical problems right away. A lean IT team may be unable to provide sufficient coverage during holidays or peak periods.

Types of businesses suited to in-house IT support

Large organizations that require more complex systems tend to benefit most from having an in-house IT team. In general, large organizations often require more resources than what external providers can provide. Smaller companies may also benefit from having an in-house team if they require specialized support.

What is outsourced IT support?

Outsourced IT support is when a business partners with an external provider to handle the installation, maintenance, and management of their software and hardware. Rather than maintaining and paying for an entire in-house team, outsourcing your IT needs gives you access to cost-effective resources from managed IT service providers (MSPs).

Advantages of outsourced IT support

Outsourcing your IT means you don’t need to worry about hiring additional staff or providing them with necessary resources, as tech tasks are handled by the MSP. And because most providers offer 24/7 technical support, you can be sure that your business’s technology needs are being met around the clock.

Disadvantages of outsourced IT support

It can be difficult to find a reliable partner who understands your specific business requirements and offers the kind of services you need. You and your IT provider may also experience a communication breakdown, which can lead to service disruptions. That said, such a disadvantage is completely avoidable.

Types of businesses suited to outsourced IT support

Outsourcing is typically a better fit for small- and medium-sized businesses that have limited budgets but still need access to dependable, high-quality tech support. It’s also beneficial for organizations that lack the resources or skill sets in house to effectively manage their own IT infrastructure. Lastly, outsourcing is perfect for companies with large customer bases that need round-the-clock support from an external provider.

Here’s what we recommend

When choosing between outsourcing and in-house solutions, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Outsourcing your IT support needs can provide more benefits than costs, but you’ll have to find the right partner that can meet your needs. Sometimes, a combination of both options can be the best approach.

If you need more in-depth information, read about it in our FREE eBook: Managed IT Services Provider or In-House IT Team: Which Is Best for Your Business?

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