Take this cybersecurity preparedness quiz to test your IT security smarts

Nov 23, 2021

An organization’s readiness to respond to or recover from any IT security incident determines whether it will survive or shut down after a cyberattack. And with most companies adopting remote or hybrid work models, it’s even more challenging to prepare for cybersecurity incidents. Cybercriminals are taking advantage of distributed work environments and expanding their targets, making it tough for IT teams and business owners to secure all potential vulnerabilities.

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Businesses that are ill-equipped to protect their systems are highly prone to data breaches. Luckily, many effective cybersecurity measures can be implemented to avoid falling victim.

Nevertheless, businesses and individuals may easily succumb to attacks without sufficient knowledge about cybersecurity preparedness. Take this quiz to find out if you’re prepared to handle myriad IT security incidents.

1. Organizations must maintain good cyber hygiene by following policies and procedures on data confidentiality, password management and multifactor authentication, social engineering attempts, permissible access and use, and bring your own device setups. Everyone must comply with cybersecurity best practices except for:

A. C-level executives
B. New employees
C. None of the above

Correct answer: C. None of the above
Everyone is a potential cyberattack target and must practice good cyber hygiene.

2. Software updates are essential to keeping computers and IT systems secure, as these fix discovered security gaps, remove bugs, and add new features to your system. Likewise, you must always run the latest versions of operating systems because these include critical patches for security holes. When should you install software and OS updates?

A. As soon as they become available
B. Within a week of downloading the update
C. After the next version of the update becomes available

Correct answer: A. As soon as they become available
Security breaches like the Equifax data breach in 2017, which affected millions of Americans’ confidential personal information, were caused by companies failing to update their software.

3. Phishing is a type of attack in which scammers impersonate their targets’ coworkers, friends, or business contacts via an email, text, or call to trick them into providing passwords, ATM PINs, and other types of sensitive information. When dealing with a possible phishing threat, it is best to:

A. Be suspicious and closely inspect the sender of the email, text, or call
B. Operate with a zero trust mindset
C. Both

Correct answer: C. Both
Hackers employ different means, such as by looking up their targets’ social media and other online profiles, to launch a phishing attack. Such attacks are aimed at stealing your information or infecting your computer or device with malware. Be vigilant if you receive a suspicious message, and always verify the authenticity of the sender’s identity.

4. Many IT experts consider the Password Guidelines by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as the gold standard for password security. Per this guideline’s most recent update, passwords must always have:

A. Complexity requirements
B. A strict eight-character minimum length
C. Numbers and special characters

Correct answer: B. A strict eight-character minimum length
According to the NIST, length is a more critical factor because a longer password is more difficult to decrypt than a complex one.

5. You receive an email from a bank claiming you won $20,000. The email sender asks you to click on a link directing you to the bank’s website. On this site, you are instructed to provide your personal information: name, bank account number, and online bank account password. Do you:

A. Junk the email or report it as spam
B. Tell your coworkers and inform your IT team about the email
C. Both

Correct answer: C. Both
The above scenario is an example of social engineering in which a cybercriminal attempts to manipulate a potential victim to give up confidential information like personal details and financial information. The best course of action is to report the email as spam, delete it, and/or inform your IT department so they can contain the threat and similar threats in the future.

6. In building a strong culture around IT security, it is necessary for companies to observe the following cybersecurity best practices except for one:

A. Provide information security training only to high-level employees with administrative access
B. Restrict the number of employees who have administrative access
C. Designate a person or team responsible for cybersecurity

Correct answer: A. Provide security training only to high-level employees with administrative access
All employees, from new hires to mid-level executives to the CEO, must undergo information security training. While there are phishing scams that specifically target CEOs and other high-profile employees (also called whaling attacks), employees across all levels in any organization can be a target.

How well did you do?

4–6 correct answers: You are adequately prepared against cyberattacks.
2–3 correct answers: You know a bit about cybersecurity preparedness but should learn more.
0–1 correct answer: You need to boost your knowledge about cybersecurity preparedness.

Cybersecurity preparedness is crucial to every organization in today’s business environment. With intelligent IT solutions, you can protect your small- or medium-sized business’s data and IT assets and be prepared for numerous cyberthreats. Call Online Computers to bolster your protections today.

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